The project, started in summer 2010, began with the semantic description of EAC-CPF standard using OWL and RDFS.
Here you can find the ontology of the first work that describes only the EAC-CPF schema: and the graph to browse elements and attributes
This first testing phase was extremely useful as a feasibility study and made an effective work tool available for archivists, but it could not be used to open the authority records codified with this standard to the world of Linked Open Data.
It was necessary to transform the elements of the schema into properties of the ontology and to change the point of view of the description of the model. It was necessary to move from the description of the XSD schema in RDF to the definition of a new model based on the schema (thus maintaining the names of the elements and the attributes).
To reach a description of the data model (that could be used for the Linked Archival Data), it was necessary to take a further step: starting from the records describing the authorities, bodies, persons and families of the IBC Archivi codified in EAC-CPF, we moved on to the definition of a data model based on the standard, maintaining the names of the elements and the attributes and the relations, but expressing them in OWL and RDFS.
Following this goal, now we have released a beta version of the EAC-CPF Descriptions Ontology useful to really “unlock” authority records descriptions.
Here you can find few examples of authority records of Andrea Costa and other persons related to him.
Andrea Costa:
Serafino Mazzotti:
Anna Kuliscioff:
Alfredo Xella:
Angelo Negri:
Luigi Sassi:
Romeo Galli:
Anselmo Marabini:
EAC-CPF reference documentScarica l’ontologiaNaviga i dati con ELDA